• Chữa bài IELTS Task 1

    • Nguyễn Ánh Dương

      August 21, 2017 at 8:44 pm

      The given pie charts compare the expenses in 7 different categories in 1966 and 1996 by American Citizens.

      The pie charts illustrate and compare the percentages of 7 particular categories expensing by American citizens in 1966 and 1996.
      Overall, the figures shown that the Americans spent more amount of money on food and cars than any other categories on both years. Nevertheless, there were numerous changes in Amercans expenses from 1966 to 1996.
      At the year 1966, Food and car are two goods that the citizens mostly spent on, precisely about 44% for food and 23% for car. In contrast, people seemed to spend less on 4 other categories with similar percentages, included 9% on petrol, 7% restaurants, 10% on furniture and only 6% books. Likewise, computers was the least expensed categories by exactly 1% in 1966.
      In 1996, the percentages of car expenditure increased by twofold at 45% compared to that in 1966. On the contrary, the consumption of food decreased dramatically to 14% and was equal to that of restaurants, which jumped double since 1966. Meanwhile, the percentages of two categories, petrol and furnitures almost stayed the same, at 8% for both. Another visible trend was that the computer expenditure surged significantly to 10% while books expenditure dropped to 1%, respectively.

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    • haduyduywru

      August 22, 2017 at 1:02 pm

      Kindly check!

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