• Chữa bài IELTS Task 1

    • leducdam2705

      December 10, 2017 at 9:52 pm

      The illustration details the different steps involved in the production of black tea.
      Overall, there are 5 consecutive steps in the whole tea-manufacturing processes, beginning with the harvest of tea leaves and ending with drying them.
      The first step is when tea leaves are picked. In order to guarantee high quality tea, only bud and two top leaves are harvested. Next, with the assistance of a fan, 60% of the moisture from leaves scattered onto a rack is removed. At the following stage, there are 2 methods namely traditional one and modern one applied to produce loose tea and teabags respectively. While tea leaves are rolled flat and broken, releasing enzymes in the traditional method, in the modern one, leaves are quickly cut, torn and curled into smaller granular pieces.
      Afterwards, processed leaves are oxidized and fermented. Specifically, before this step appears, rolled leaves are spread on tiles or cement surface. Thanks to enzymes and the air, the colors of the leaves at this step changes to copper. No sooner is the fermentation finished than leaves are fired and dried in oven or hot air dryer so that 37% more of the moisture can be discarded and flavor together with aroma can be released.
      (204 words)

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    • vchinh.tr

      December 11, 2017 at 9:39 pm

      Please find below my feedback.

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