• Chữa bài IELTS Task 1

    • mthinh08

      April 7, 2020 at 4:24 pm

      the pie charts illustrate how many the percentage of volunteers join in six type of organizations between 2008 and 2014. Overall, while the percentage of environmental, sport and health care increased in 2014 , others decreased. The most people joined in environmental and the lowest volunteers choden health care.
      In 2008, one per fourth of volunteers joined in environmental. in condition, health care was not popular for volunteers, just lower 10%. secondly, the percentage of volunteers participated in education, at over 20%. lower one per fifth of volunteers chosen art. finally. sport and other were as same as percentage, at 15%.
      in 2014, the most pepular of volunteers joined in environmental with approximately one per thirth, next 25% of volunteers wanted to join in sport. the following is that the percentage of educational and art were respectively with lower 20% and higher 10%. finally, health care and other were around 8 to 10%

    • IP Veteran

      April 14, 2020 at 12:11 pm

      Bạn ơi bài này k có biểu đồ

    • mthinh08

      April 15, 2020 at 3:52 pm
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