• Chữa bài IELTS Task 2

    • Celine

      February 21, 2017 at 3:17 pm

      It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction.
      To what extent do you agree or disagree?
      What sort of punishment should parent and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behaviors to children?
      Educating children at an early age seems to be the most concerned matter for parents and teachers who always want their children behave correctly. Although many argue that punishment is needed for teaching children, I am inclined to believe that this is not appropriate method due to its negative influences on children development.
      Obviously, punishing children can have some negative impacts on the physical and mental development of children. Firstly, punishments which is controlled by fear, power and coercion can teach children that who have power can force other people to do what they want them to do. This can lead to the tendency using powerful actions of children in solving problem. Secondly, punishment, especially physical punishment, is also the least effective form in changing undesired behaviors and may have long term consequences. For example, a child punished by forces because of their faults will hide their mistakes, feel humiliate and tend to be angry and aggressive easily. While parents and teachers think that punishment can stop undesired behaviors from children, in fact, it just stops them in specific situations and often is repeated in other settings. As a result, children can fail to develop self- control skill, and more important, the relationship between children and their families can be broke down.
      In my way of thinking, positive discipline can be an appropriate method in teaching children at an early stage of their lives. This method does not use power to control, it is guiding and teaching. It requires both family and school spend more time to listen and understand children. This will help them to teach children problem solving skill as well as building a positive self-image. As a result, children can develop their long term self-control and have a good relationship with their families.
      In summary, punishment is not an effective method in teaching children due to its negative effects on children development. It can impair the relationship between children and their families. Guiding and teaching by positive discipline can help them create positive self-images and self-control skill as well.

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    • trucquynhnm

      February 21, 2017 at 11:53 pm

      Feedback của bạn. Keep up the hard work!

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