• Chữa bài IELTS Task 2

    • thuhaquach15

      October 12, 2017 at 11:04 pm

      Topic: In many parts of the world, children now are given more freedom than they used to have. Do you think it’s a positive or negative development?

      It is true that in the past, parents used to exercise control on their children. However, nowadays, especially in Western countries, children are entitled to more freedom in many aspects of life. In my opinion, this development is a double-edged sword that parents should consider carefully.
      On the one hand, there is little doubt that this freedom benefits children in many ways. First of all, this new way of life is likely to foster a sense of independence in them, which will reveal its positive effects later in their life. A typical Western upbringing method is that parents tend to let their children do trivial daily tasks on their own, such as cleaning their bedrooms or choosing their clothes for school, which is quite opposite to most Eastern parents. In this sense, it can be easily seen that children in Western nations are often more confident and mature than their Eatern counterparts. Similarly important to note is that this method enables them to be aware of the sense of responsibiity at an early stage of their life, making them good global citizens.
      On the other hand, it is noteworthy that giving children too much freedom will bring about some negative effects. The fact remains that at this early stage of development when their personalities are being formed, children are vulnerable to adverse external factors. A standard example for this is the unlimited access to the Internet. The constant exposure to obscene images or unsuitable information on the Internet may pose a threat on children’s awareness and development in later years. Furthermore, there may be the risk of children injuring themselves if they are allowed to do certain tasks such as cooking or washing the dishes when they are not grown enough.
      In conclusion, it is advisable for parents to entitle their offsprings to freedom but some control should be included in ensure their safety and on-track development.

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    • hoangthuychi6

      October 16, 2017 at 6:48 pm

      Overall, I think you did a good job! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!

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