Từ vựng – Topic 11: Clothes and Fashion

Clothes and fashion

Có thể bạn sẽ gặp phải chủ đề này trong bài IELTS Speaking của mình. Dù bạn có là người am hiểu thời trang hay không thì cũng đừng để mình mù tịt trước chủ đề này nhé.

Part 1

Giám khảo: Do you enjoy buying clothes?
Pedro: I used to … yes … like most young people I was a bit of a slave to fashion and I’d always have to buy that must-have shirt or pair of shoes … I’m not so bothered now though … I wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing something old fashioned but I’m not as bothered as I used to be about what I wear …

Giám khảo: What kind of clothes do you like to wear?
Marco: I prefer casual clothes actually … I hate getting dressed up for special occasions … personally I think it’s possible to look good in a pair of jeans … but that’s my opinion … I don’t think my wife would call me a fashion icon that’s for sure …

Giám khảo: Are there many clothes shops where you live?
Sylvia: Yes … there are lots in my town … apart from the big chain stores we’ve got a couple of really nice shops that sell vintage clothes … old clothes but in a classic style that never really go out of fashion … I love going there 

Part 2

Describe someone you know who dresses well.

You should say

  • who they are
  • how you know them
  • what kind of clothes they wear
  • why you like the way they dress.


I’d like to talk about one of my teachers … Miss Evans … she teaches us English in the school I go to … we always look forward to seeing what she’s going to wear when our lessons start … she’s always very well dressed and takes a lot of pride in her appearance … it’s not that she dresses in very smart clothes … she doesn’t come to school dressed to kill or anything like that … but what she wears really suits her … and she has a great sense of style as well … we often ask her where she gets some of her clothes and most of the time they’re just off the peg … and she says she’s not interested in designer labels or anything like that … she doesn’t seem too concerned about keeping up with the latest fashion … she just wears clothes that are timeless … yes … Miss Evans is the person I think looks great in the clothes she wears …

Part 3

Giám khảo: What factors do you think affect the clothes we choose to wear?
Maki: It depends … where we are or where we’re going is a big factor … if you are going out to a club or party you’re going to dress for the occasion … and then there are those who think it’s important to look like they’re on trend … they’ll want to wear the latest fashions … there are lots of factors really …

Giám khảo: What kind of things determine what is in fashion and what we should be wearing?
Martin: I suppose the big fashion houses and fashion shows must have an effect but the clothes you see on the catwalk don’t always reflect what normal people wear … so I suppose it will be things like what singers are wearing in videos or models are wearing in magazines … that kind of thing …

Giám khảo: Is it possible to look good without spending lots of money on clothes?
Corinna: I’m sure it is … yes … I suppose it’s about having an eye for what looks good … knowing how to mix and match different items of clothing that go well together … I think you can pick up great bargains in charity shops … sometimes for youngsters even hand-me-downs can look good …


  • to be on trend: bắt kịp xu hướng
  • casual clothes: quần áo bình thường
  • classic style: phong cách cổ điển
  • designer label: nhãn hàng thiết kế (thường là nổi tiếng và đắt tiền)
  • dressed to kill: ăn mặc rất đẹp, ấn tượng
  • to dress for the occasion: ăn mặc theo dịp
  • fashionable: hợp thời trang
  • fashion house: nhà mốt (bán các thiết kế mới và đắt tiền)
  • fashion icon: biểu tượng thời trang
  • fashion show: show thời trang
  • to get dressed up: chưng diện
  • to go out of fashion: lỗi thời, lỗi mốt
  • hand-me-downs: quần áo mặc lại (của anh, chị trong gia đình)
  • to have an eye for (fashion): có con mắt (thời trang)
  • to have a sense of style: có gu ăn mặc
  • the height of fashion: rất hợp thời trang
  • to keep up with the latest fashion: ăn diện theo mốt
  • to look good in: mặc hợp
  • to mix and match: phối đồ không cùng một bộ với nhau
  • must-have: đồ phải có
  • off the peg: may sẵn
  • old fashioned: lỗi mốt
  • on the catwalk: trên sàn diễn
  • a slave to fashion: nô lệ thời trang
  • smart clothes: quần áo lịch sự
  • to suit someone: hợp với ai đó
  • to take pride in one’s appearance: chú ý đến ngoại hình
  • timeless: vượt thời gian
  • vintage clothes: quần áo phong cách các thập niên trước
  • well-dressed: ăn bận đẹp

(Nguồn: ieltsspeaking.co.uk)

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